§ 32.1-203. Definitions.
As used in this article:
"Camp operator" means a person who has charge, care or control of a migrantlabor camp.
"Migrant labor camp" or "camp" means one or more structures, buildings,tents, barracks, trailers, vehicles, converted buildings, and unconventionalenclosures of living space, reasonably contiguous, together with the landappertaining thereto, established, operated or used as living quarters forone or more persons, one or more of whom is a migrant worker engaged inagricultural or fishing activities, including related food processing."Migrant labor camp" does not include (i) a summer camp, campground orhotel as defined in § 35.1-1, (ii) housing which, in the ordinary course ofbusiness, is regularly offered to the general public on a commercial basisand is provided to any migrant worker on the same or comparable terms andconditions as provided to the general public, or (iii) small businesses whichare exempt under federal law as provided in the Fair Labor Standards Act andthe Migrant and Seasonal Worker Protection Act.
"Migrant worker" means any individual from within or outside theCommonwealth who passes seasonally from one place to another for the purposeof employment, who is not a year-round employee and who occupies livingquarters other than his permanent home during the period of such work.
"Applicable regulations" includes regulations of the Board adopted pursuantto this article and occupational safety and health regulations applicable tomigrant labor camps adopted by the Safety and Health Codes Board pursuant toChapter 3 (§ 40.1-22 et seq.) of Title 40.1.
(Code 1950, § 32-415; 1962, c. 251; 1979, c. 711; 1988, c. 632; 1990, c. 780;1992, c. 15.)