§ 32.1-212. Definitions.
As used in this article unless the context otherwise requires:
"Bedding" means any mattress, mattress pad, box spring, upholstered bed,davenport, upholstered sofa bed, quilted pad, comforter, bolster, cushion,pillow, featherbed, sleeping bag, or any other bag, case or cover made ofleather, textile or other material which is stuffed or filled in whole or inpart with concealed substance, which can be used by any human being forsleeping or reclining purposes.
"Filling material" means cotton, wool, feathers, kapok, down, plant orvegetable fibers, or any other material or substance or combination thereof,loose or in batting, pads, or any prefabricated form, that is used or thatmay be used in articles of bedding or upholstered furniture.
"Importer" means any person who for the purpose of manufacture or resalereceives bedding, upholstered furniture or filling material from any countryother than the United States.
"New" means not previously used for any purpose. Manufacturing processesshall not be considered a prior use.
"Sanitize" means to reduce the level of microbiological agents to a levelnot injurious to health.
"Secondhand" means having been made prior use of or containing any fillingmaterial of which prior use has been made.
"Shoddy" means any material which has been spun into yarn, knit or woveninto fabric and subsequently cut up, torn up, broken or ground up.
"Sterilize" means to render free of viable microbiological agents.
"Upholstered furniture" means any article of furniture designed to be usedfor sitting, resting, or reclining that is wholly or partly stuffed or filledwith any filling material.
(Code 1950, § 32-117; 1952, c. 530; 1956, c. 530; 1979, c. 711; 2005, c. 391.)