§ 32.1-216. Permit for use of process to sanitize or sterilize.
Any person applying for approval of a process by which filling materials,bedding or upholstered furniture are sanitized or sterilized shall submit tothe Commissioner a description of the process and any apparatus and method tobe used in such process. Upon approval of such process by the Commissionerand payment of the current annual permit fee by the applicant, a numberedpermit for use of such process shall be issued. Such permit shall expire oneyear from the date of issue. Nothing herein shall prevent any person fromhaving any sanitizing or sterilization required by this article performed byany person who has a valid permit for such purposes, provided the number ofsuch permit appears on the tag attached to each article as required by §32.1-219.
(Code 1950, § 32-120; 1976, c. 317; 1979, c. 711.)