§ 32.1-228.1. Department designated state radiation control agency; powersand duties.
A. The Department of Health is hereby designated as the state radiationcontrol agency. The Commissioner of Health may employ, compensate, andprescribe the duties of such individuals as may be necessary to discharge theresponsibilities imposed by this article.
B. The Department shall:
1. Collect and disseminate information relating to control of sources ofradiation including:
a. Establishing and maintaining a file of all applications for, issuances,denials, transfers, renewals, modifications, suspensions and revocations of,and amendments to all licenses;
b. Establishing and maintaining a file of registrants possessing sources ofradiation requiring registration under the provisions of this article and anyadministrative or judicial action pertaining thereto; and
c. Establishing and maintaining a file of all agency rules and regulationsrelated to regulation of sources of radiation, pending or promulgated, andproceedings thereon.
2. Establish a database of registered and certified X-ray machines, whichshall include but not be limited to the name of the owner or operator and thelocation of the machine.
3. Pursuant to its powers enumerated in § 32.1-25, provide for scheduled andrandom unannounced inspections of facilities and physicians' offices thatprovide mammography services to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, orconditions specified by the Board.
4. Establish forms for the periodic Radiation Inspection Report.
5. Develop programs for responding adequately to radiation emergencies andcoordinate such programs with the Department of Emergency Management.
6. Maintain, revise as needed, and make available to the public a list ofpersons who have been listed as proficient to offer screening, testing, ormitigation for radon by the United States Environmental Protection Agency,the National Radon Measurement Proficiency Program of the NationalEnvironmental Health Association, or the National Radon Safety BoardCertified Radon Professional Program, or any other proficiency programacceptable to the Board of Health.
7. Publish and make available a list of qualified inspectors of X-rays andX-ray machines.
(2008, cc. 41, 466.)