§ 32.1-229. Powers and duties of the Board.
The Board shall:
1. Establish a program of effective regulation of sources of radiation forthe protection of the public health and safety, including a program ofeducation and technical assistance relating to radon that is targeted tothose areas of the Commonwealth known to have high radon levels.
2. Establish a program to promote the orderly regulation of radiation withinthe Commonwealth, among the states and between the federal government and theCommonwealth and to facilitate intergovernmental cooperation with respect touse and regulation of sources of radiation to the end that duplication ofregulation may be minimized.
3. Establish a program to permit maximum utilization of sources of radiationconsistent with the public health and safety.
4. Promulgate regulations providing for (i) general or specific licenses touse, manufacture, produce, transfer, receive, acquire, own or possessquantities of, or devices or equipment utilizing, by-product, source, specialnuclear materials, or other radioactive material occurring naturally orproduced artificially, (ii) registration of the possession of a source ofradiation and of information with respect thereto, and (iii) regulation ofby-product, source and special nuclear material.
5. Encourage, participate in and conduct studies, investigations, training,research and demonstrations relating to control of sources of radiation.
6. Establish fee schedules for the licensure of radioactive materials.
7. Establish guidelines to require the licensed facilities or physicians'offices where mammography services are performed to offer to the patient,prior to departure, development of such films to ensure integrity and qualityof the film. When film developing is not available or the patient chooses notto wait, the patient shall be notified within two business days if anothermammogram is necessary. This requirement does not imply or require that adiagnostic opinion be made at the time of the mammogram. The interpretingphysician may require that the mammogram be retaken if, in the opinion of thephysician, the study is of inadequate quality.
8. Issue such orders or modifications thereof as may be necessary inconnection with proceedings under this title.
(Code 1950, §§ 32-414.2, 32-414.4, 32-414.6, 32-414.7, 32-414.16; 1964, c.158; 1968, c. 314; 1975, c. 563; 1979, c. 711; 1987, c. 666; 1988, c. 736;1989, cc. 275, 283; 1999, c. 755; 2000, cc. 271, 936; 2001, cc. 408, 426;2003, c. 635; 2008, cc. 41, 466.)