§ 32.1-229.3. Licensing of radioactive material.
A. All radioactive material not under the authority of the United StatesNuclear Regulatory Commission, and devices or equipment utilizing suchmaterial, shall be licensed by the Board. The Board shall promulgateregulations that provide for general or specific licenses. The Board mayrequire registration or licensing of any other source of radiation and mayexempt certain sources of radiation, uses of radiation, or users of radiationfrom the licensing and registration requirements set forth in this articlewhen the Commissioner finds that the exemption of such sources, uses, orusers of radiation will not constitute a significant risk to the health andsafety of the public. The terms and conditions of all licenses shall besubject to amendment, revision, or modification by rules, regulations, ororders issued in accordance with the provisions of this article.
B. Regulations promulgated under this article should provide for recognitionof other Agreement State or federal licenses, subject to such requirements asthe Board may prescribe.
C. It shall be unlawful for any person to use, manufacture, produce,distribute, sell, transport, transfer, install, repair, receive, acquire,own, or possess any source of radiation unless licensed by or registered withthe Department in conformance with this article and any regulationspromulgated by the Board pursuant to this article.
(2008, cc. 41, 466.)