§ 32.1-233. Radiation Advisory Board; composition; duties generally.
A. The Radiation Advisory Board shall consist of ten appointive members andthe six ex officio members specified below. The Governor shall appoint to theAdvisory Board individuals from industry, labor and agriculture as well asindividuals with scientific training in one or more of the following fields:radiology, medicine, radiation or health physics, or related sciences, withspecialization in ionizing radiation. Not more than two individuals shall bespecialists in any one of the above-named fields. Members of the AdvisoryBoard shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Commissioner shall bean ex officio member and chairman of the Advisory Board. The Commissioner ofLabor and Industry, the Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services,the State Coordinator of Emergency Management, the Director of EnvironmentalQuality, and the Director of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science shallbe ex officio members of the Advisory Board.
B. The Advisory Board shall meet at least annually and shall:
1. Review and evaluate policies and programs of the Commonwealth relating toionizing radiation; and
2. Make recommendations to the Commissioner and the Board of Health, theDirector of Environmental Quality, and the Virginia Waste Management Boardand furnish such technical advice as may be required, on matters relating todevelopment, utilization and regulation of sources of ionizing radiation.
(Code 1950, § 32-414.5; 1964, c. 158; 1979, c. 711; 1980, c. 728; 1985, c.448; 1987, c. 157; 2008, cc. 41, 466.)