§ 32.1-236. Authority of Board to enter into agreements with federalgovernment, other states or interstate agencies; training programs forpersonnel.
A. The Board, with the prior approval of the Governor, is authorized to enterinto an agreement or agreements with the federal government, other states orinterstate agencies, whereby this Commonwealth will perform, on a cooperativebasis with the federal government, other states or interstate agencies,inspections or other functions relating to control of sources of ionizingradiation.
B. The Board, from funds provided by law, may institute programs for thepurpose of training personnel to carry out the provisions of this articleand, with the prior approval of the Governor, may make such personnelavailable for participation in any program or programs of the federalgovernment, other states or interstate agencies in furtherance of thisarticle.
(Code 1950, § 32-414.12; 1964, c. 158; 1979, c. 711.)