§ 32.1-256. Fees of special registrars.
A. Each special registrar not employed by any federal, state or local agencyshall be paid the sum of one dollar for each certificate of birth, death orfetal death registered by him and transmitted to the county or city registrarof vital records.
B. If no birth, death or fetal death is registered by him during any calendarmonth, such special registrar shall report that fact to the county or cityregistrar of vital records and shall be paid the sum of one dollar for eachsuch month.
C. The State Registrar shall certify to the treasurer of the county or cityquarterly the number of birth, death and fetal death certificates registeredby such special registrar, with the name of such special registrar and theamount due. Upon such certification, the fees due such special registrarshall be paid by the treasurer of the appropriate county or city.
(Code 1950, §§ 32-353.12, 32-353.13; 1952, c. 705; 1952, Ex. Sess., c. 22;1960, c. 451; 1979, c. 711; 1983, c. 240.)