§ 32.1-258.1. Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth; requirements.
Upon the request of either individual listed as the mother or father on areport of fetal death in the Commonwealth as defined in § 32.1-264, the StateRegistrar shall issue a Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth forunintended, intrauterine fetal deaths occurring after a gestational period of20 weeks or more. The requesting mother or father may, but shall not berequired to, provide a name for the stillborn child on the Certificate ofBirth Resulting in Stillbirth. The Board of Health shall prescribe areasonable fee to cover the administrative cost and preparation of suchcertificate. This section shall apply retroactively to any circumstances thatwould have resulted in the issuance of a Certificate of Birth Resulting inStillbirth, as prescribed by the Board.
(2003, cc. 537, 552.)