§ 32.1-264. Reports of fetal deaths; medical certification; investigation bymedical examiner; confidentiality of information concerning abortions.
A. A fetal death report for each fetal death which occurs in thisCommonwealth shall be filed, on a form furnished by the State Registrar, withthe registrar of the district in which the delivery occurred or the abortionwas performed within three days after such delivery or abortion and shall beregistered with such registrar if it has been completed and filed inaccordance with this section; provided that:
1. If the place of fetal death is unknown, a fetal death report shall befiled in the registration district in which a dead fetus was found withinthree days after discovery of such fetus; and
2. If a fetal death occurs in a moving conveyance, a fetal death report shallbe filed in the registration district in which the fetus was first removedfrom such conveyance.
B. The funeral director or person who first assumes custody of a dead fetusor, in the absence of a funeral director or such person, the hospitalrepresentative who first assumes custody of a fetus shall file the fetaldeath report; in the absence of such a person, the physician or other personin attendance at or after the delivery or abortion shall file the report offetal death. The person completing the forms shall obtain the personal datafrom the next of kin or the best qualified person or source available, and heshall obtain the medical certification of cause of death from the personresponsible for preparing the same as provided in this section. In the caseof induced abortion, such forms shall not identify the patient by name.
C. The medical certification portion of the fetal death report shall becompleted and signed within twenty-four hours after delivery or abortion bythe physician in attendance at or after delivery or abortion except wheninquiry or investigation by a medical examiner is required.
D. When a fetal death occurs without medical attendance upon the mother at orafter the delivery or abortion or when inquiry or investigation by a medicalexaminer is required, the medical examiner shall investigate the cause offetal death and shall complete and sign the medical certification portion ofthe fetal death report within twenty-four hours after being notified of afetal death.
E. The reports required pursuant to this section are statistical reports tobe used only for medical and health purposes and shall not be incorporatedinto the permanent official records of the system of vital records. Aschedule for the disposition of these reports may be provided by regulation.
F. The physician or facility attending an individual who has delivered a deadfetus shall maintain a copy of the fetal death report for one year and, uponwritten request by the individual and payment of an appropriate fee, shallfurnish the individual a copy of such report.
(Code 1950, § 32-353.21; 1960, c. 451; 1975, c. 267; 1979, c. 711; 1983, c.240; 1987, c. 405.)