§ 32.1-274. Persons in charge of institutions and funeral directors, etc., tokeep records; lists sent to State Registrar.
A. Every person in charge of an institution shall keep a record of personaldata concerning each person admitted or confined to such institution. Thisrecord shall include such information as required for the certificates ofbirth, death, and reports of spontaneous fetal death and induced terminationof pregnancy required by this chapter. The record shall be made at the timeof admission from information provided by the person being admitted orconfined, but when it cannot be so obtained, the information shall beobtained from relatives or other persons acquainted with the facts. The nameand address of the person providing the information shall be a part of therecord.
B. When a dead human body is released or disposed of by an institution, theperson in charge of the institution shall keep a record showing the name ofthe deceased, date of death, the name and address of the person to whom thebody is released and the date of removal from the institution, or, if finaldisposal is by the institution, the date, place, and manner of disposition.
C. A funeral director, embalmer, or other person who removes from the placeof death or transports or is in charge of final disposition of a dead body orfetus, in addition to filing any certificate, report or form required by thischapter, shall keep a record which shall identify the body, and suchinformation pertaining to his receipt, removal, and delivery of such body asmay be prescribed in regulations adopted by the Board.
D. Not later than the tenth day of the month following the month ofoccurrence, the administrator of each institution shall cause to be sent tothe State Registrar a list showing thereon all births, deaths, and fetaldeaths occurring in such institution during the preceding month. Such listsshall be on forms provided by the State Registrar.
E. Not later than the tenth day of the month following the month ofoccurrence, each funeral director shall send to the State Registrar a listshowing thereon all caskets furnished, bodies prepared for disposition andtransportation and funerals performed where no casket was furnished by thefuneral director during the preceding month. Such lists shall be on formsprovided by the State Registrar.
F. Records maintained under this section shall be retained for a period ofnot less than ten years and shall be made available for inspection by theState Registrar or his representative upon demand.
(Code 1950, § 32-353.29; 1960, c. 451; 1979, c. 711; 1983, c. 240.)