§ 32.1-275.2. Notation on birth records of missing children.
Upon receiving a report of the disappearance of any child born in thisCommonwealth, the State Registrar shall indicate in a clear and conspicuousmanner in the child's birth record that the child has been reported asmissing, including the title and location of the law-enforcement agencyproviding the report. Upon receiving a request for any birth recordscontaining a report of the disappearance of any child, the State Registrarshall immediately notify the local law-enforcement agency which provided themissing child report to the State Registrar. The State Registrar shalltransmit any relevant information concerning the applicant's identity,address, and other pertinent data immediately to the relevant locallaw-enforcement agency. The State Registrar shall retain the originalwritten request until notified of the missing child's recovery or the childattains the age of eighteen. Upon notification that any missing child hasbeen recovered, the State Registrar shall remove the report of thedisappearance from the child's birth record.
(1990, c. 295.)