§ 32.1-292.2. The Virginia Donor Registry.
A. In order to save lives by reducing the shortage of organs and tissues fortransplantation and to implement cost savings for patients and various stateagencies by eliminating needless bureaucracy, there is hereby established theVirginia Donor Registry (hereinafter referred to as the Registry), whichshall be created, compiled, operated, maintained, and modified as necessaryby the Virginia Transplant Council in accordance with the regulations of theBoard of Health and the administration of the Department of Health. At itssole discretion, the Virginia Transplant Council may contract with a thirdparty or parties to create, compile, operate, maintain or modify theRegistry. Pertinent information on all Virginians who have indicated awillingness to donate organs and tissues in accordance with the RevisedUniform Anatomical Gift Act (§ 32.1-291.1 et seq.) shall be compiled,maintained, and modified as necessary in the Registry by the VirginiaTransplant Council.
B. The Registry and all information therein shall be confidential and subjectto access only by personnel of the Department of Health and designated organprocurement organizations, eye banks, and tissue banks, operating in orserving Virginia that are members of the Virginia Transplant Council, for thepurpose of identifying and determining the suitability of a potential donoraccording to the provisions of subdivision B 4 of § 32.1-127 or subsection Hof § 46.2-342.
C. The purpose of the Registry shall include, but not be limited to:
1. Providing a means of recovering an anatomical gift for transplantation,therapy, education or research as authorized by the Revised UniformAnatomical Gift Act (§ 32.1-291.1 et seq.) and subsection H of § 46.2-342; and
2. Collecting data to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of educationalinitiatives promoting organ, eye, and tissue donation that are conducted orcoordinated by the Virginia Transplant Council or its members.
D. The Board, in consultation with the Virginia Transplant Council, shallpromulgate regulations necessary to create, compile, operate, maintain,modify as necessary, and administer the Virginia Donor Registry. Theregulations shall include, but not be limited to:
1. Recording the data subject's full name, address, sex, birth date, age,driver's license number or unique identifying number, and other pertinentidentifying personal information;
2. Authorizing the Virginia Transplant Council to analyze Registry data underresearch protocols that are designed to identify and assess the effectivenessof mechanisms to promote and increase organ, eye, and tissue donation withinthe Commonwealth; and
3. Providing that any Virginian whose name has been placed in the registrymay have his name deleted by filing an appropriate form with the VirginiaTransplant Council or in accordance with the Revised Uniform Anatomical GiftAct (§ 32.1-291.1 et seq.) or subsection I of § 46.2-342.
(2000, cc. 481, 490; 2006, c. 166; 2007, cc. 92, 907; 2008, c. 82; 2009, c.834; 2010, cc. 25, 55.)