§ 32.1-301. Burial, cremation, or return of bodies after scientific study.
After the bodies distributed pursuant to § 32.1-299 have been used for thepurpose of instruction, they shall be decently interred or cremated by theinstitution or individual receiving them. However, if the decedent hasstipulated in writing before his death that the cremated remains of his body,lawfully donated for scientific study, shall be returned to relatives fordisposition after scientific study has been completed, or if the decedent'snext of kin, who lawfully donated the body for scientific study, requests theoffice of the Chief Medical Examiner in writing at the time of donation thatthe decedent's cremated remains shall be returned to relatives afterscientific study has been completed, the institution or individual thatreceived the body shall return the decedent's cremated remains to his next ofkin or relatives. Any such writing shall acknowledge the responsibility tomaintain the current name, address, and telephone number of the relatives towhom the decedent's cremated remains are to be returned.
The written request of the decedent's next of kin shall include the name ofthe next of kin, the current address to which the cremated remains shall bedelivered, and the current telephone number of the next of kin or relativeswhere they may be contacted. The costs of transporting and delivering thecremated remains shall be borne by the institution or individual receivingthe body. The institution or individual that received the decedent's body andwho has received such a written request shall not be obligated to return thedecedent's cremated remains if the name, address, and telephone number of thenext of kin or relatives have not been provided in such written request, orare no longer current.
(Code 1950, § 32-359; 1979, c. 711; 2000, c. 477.)