§ 33.1-391.3:1. Rail Advisory Board.
There is hereby established the Rail Advisory Board to consist of ninemembers appointed by the Governor for terms of four years. Vacancies shall befilled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment.One of such appointees shall be an at-large member of the CommonwealthTransportation Board. The members of the Board shall elect a Chairman. TheBoard may, by majority vote, choose one of its members to serve asvice-chairman. The Board shall, in consultation with the Director, developrecommendations to be presented to the Commonwealth Transportation Boardregarding allocations of funds from the Rail Enhancement Fund. The Boardshall also advise the Director and the Department on other matters at therequest of the Director or the Department. The Board shall meet at the callof the Chairman. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for theconduct of all Board business. The provisions of § 2.2-3112 shall not applyto members of the Rail Advisory Board.
The Board shall have the following responsibilities:
1. In consultation with, and with the assistance of the Director, the Boardshall develop recommendations to be presented to the CommonwealthTransportation Board regarding all proposed allocations of funds from theRail Enhancement Fund.
2. The Board shall work cooperatively with the Director of the Department ofRail and Public Transportation and with any affected railroad in identifying,developing, and advocating projects and policies to enhance the quality andutility to the public of rail transportation in the Commonwealth.
3. At the request of the Director, the Board shall consider and advise theDirector and the Department on any other matter or matters pertaining totransportation in the Commonwealth.
Members of the Board shall receive no compensation, but shall be reimbursedtheir actual and necessary expenses incurred in connection with theirofficial duties. Staff support for the Board shall be provided by theDepartment of Rail and Public Transportation.
(2005, c. 323; 2006, c. 222.)