§ 33.1-391.4. General powers of the Department.
The Department shall have the following general powers:
1. To accept grants from the United States government and agencies andinstrumentalities thereof and any other source. To these ends, the Departmentshall have the power to comply with such conditions and execute suchagreements as may be necessary, convenient or desirable;
2. To make and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary orincidental to the performance of its duties and the execution of its powersunder this chapter, including but not limited to, contracts with the UnitedStates government, other states, agencies and governmental subdivisions ofVirginia, and other appropriate public and private entities;
3. To assist other appropriate entities, public or private, in theimplementation and improvement of passenger and freight rail, transportationdemand management, ridesharing, and public transportation services and theretention of rail corridors for public purposes;
4. To represent and promote the Commonwealth's interests in passenger andfreight rail, transportation demand management, ridesharing, and publictransportation; and
5. To acquire by any means whatsoever, lease, improve, and construct railwaylines, passenger and freight rail, transportation demand management,ridesharing, and public transportation facilities, and passenger and freightrail, transportation demand management, ridesharing, and publictransportation equipment determined to be for the common good of theCommonwealth or a region of the Commonwealth and to assist other appropriateentities in the implementation and improvement of passenger and freight rail,transportation demand management, ridesharing, and public transportationservices and the retention of rail corridors for public purposes.
(1992, c. 167; 2002, c. 355.)