§ 33.1-409. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Commission" means the governing body of a local transportation districtcreated pursuant to this chapter.
"Cost" means all or any part of the cost of the following:
1. Acquisition, construction, reconstruction, alteration, landscaping,utilities, parking, conservation, remodeling, equipping, or enlarging oftransportation improvements or any portion thereof;
2. Acquisition of land, rights-of-way, property rights, easements, andinterests for construction, alteration, or expansion of transportationimprovements;
3. Demolishing or relocating any structure on land so acquired, including thecost of acquiring any lands to which such structure may be relocated;
4. All labor, materials, machinery, and equipment necessary or incidental tothe construction or expansion of a transportation improvement;
5. Financing charges, insurance, interest, and reserves for interest on allbonds prior to and during construction and, if deemed advisable by thecommission, for a reasonable period after completion of such construction;
6. Reserves for principal and interest;
7. Reserves for extensions, enlargements, additions, replacements,renovations, and improvements;
8. Provisions for working capital;
9. Engineering and architectural expenses and services, including but notlimited to surveys, borings, plans, and specifications;
10. Subsequent addition to or expansion of any project and the cost ofdetermining the feasibility or practicability of such construction;
11. Financing construction of, addition to, or expansion of transportationimprovements and placing them in operation; and
12. Expenses incurred in connection with the creation of the district, not toexceed $150,000.
"District" means any district created pursuant to this chapter.
"District advisory board" or "advisory board" means the board appointedpursuant to this chapter.
"Federal agency" means the United States of America or any department,bureau, agency, or instrumentality thereof.
"Locality" means any county or city.
"Owner" or "landowner" means the person which has the usufruct, control,or occupation of the taxable real property as determined, pursuant to §58.1-3281, by the commissioner of the revenue of the locality in which thesubject real property is located.
"Revenue" means any or all fees, tolls, rents, receipts, assessments,taxes, money, and income derived by the district, including any cashcontribution or payments made to the district by the Commonwealth, anypolitical subdivision thereof, or any other source.
"Transportation improvements" means any real or personal property acquired,constructed, improved, or used in constructing or improving any (i) publicmass transit system or (ii) highway, or portion or interchange thereof,including parking facilities located within a district created pursuant tothis chapter. Such improvements shall include, without limitation, publicmass transit systems, public highways, and all buildings, structures,approaches, and facilities thereof and appurtenances thereto, rights-of-way,bridges, tunnels, stations, terminals, and all related equipment and fixtures.
(1993, c. 395.)