§ 33.1-434. District advisory boards.
Within thirty days after the establishment of a district under this chapter,the governing body shall appoint six members to a district advisory board,and the town council of any participating town shall appoint two members tothat board. Three of the six members appointed by the governing body shall bechosen by the governing body from nominations submitted to the governing bodyby the petitioners. If any members are subject to appointment by a towncouncil as provided above, then one of the two members so appointed shall bechosen by the town council from nominations submitted to the town council bythe petitioners. All members shall own or represent the owners of realproperty within the district zoned or used for commercial or industrialpurposes. Each member shall be appointed for a term of four years, except theinitial appointment of advisory board members shall provide that the terms ofthree of the members shall be for two years. If a vacancy occurs with respectto an advisory member initially appointed by a governing body or a towncouncil, or any successor of such a member, the governing body or the towncouncil, as appropriate, shall appoint a new member who is an owner orrepresentative of an owner of real property within the district zoned or usedfor commercial or industrial purposes. If a vacancy occurs with respect to anadvisory board member initially nominated by the petitioners, or anysuccessor thereof, the remaining advisory board members initially nominatedby the petitioners, or the successors of such remaining advisory boardmembers, shall nominate a new member for selection by the governing body ortown council, as appropriate.
District advisory board members shall serve without pay, but the governingbody shall provide the advisory board with facilities for the holding ofmeetings, and the commission shall appropriate funds needed to defray thereasonable expenses and fees of the advisory board, which shall not exceed$20,000 annually, including without limitation expenses and fees arising outof the preparation of the annual report. Such appropriations shall be basedon an annual budget submitted by the board, and approved by the commission,sufficient to carry out its responsibilities under this chapter. The advisoryboard shall elect a chairman and a secretary and such other officers as itdeems necessary. The advisory board shall fix the time for holding regularmeetings, but it shall meet at least once every year. Special meetings of theadvisory board shall be called by the chairman or by two members of theadvisory board upon written request to the secretary of the advisory board. Amajority of the members shall constitute a quorum.
The advisory board shall present an annual report to the commission on thetransportation needs of the district and on the activities of the advisoryboard, and the advisory board shall present special reports on transportationmatters as requested by the commission or the governing body concerning taxesto be levied pursuant to this chapter.
(2001, c. 611.)