§ 33.1-443. Approval by Commonwealth Transportation Board.
The district may not construct or improve a transportation improvementwithout the approval of the Commonwealth Transportation Board, the county inwhich the transportation improvement will be located and, with respect to anyimprovements located within a participating town, its town council. At therequest of the commission, the Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner mayexercise the powers of condemnation provided in Chapter 2 (§ 25.1-200 etseq.) of Title 25.1, §§ 33.1-89 through 33.1-132, or § 33.1-229, for thepurpose of acquiring property for transportation improvements within thedistrict.
Upon completion of such construction or improvement, the CommonwealthTransportation Board shall take any affected public highway into theappropriate system of state highways for purposes of maintenance andsubsequent improvements as necessary. Upon acceptance by the Commonwealth ofsuch highway into a system of highways, all rights, title, and interest inthe right-of-way and improvements of any affected highway shall vest in theCommonwealth. Upon completion of construction or improvement of a masstransit system, all rights, title, and interest in the right-of-way andimprovements of such mass transit system shall vest in an agency orinstrumentality of the Commonwealth designated by the CommonwealthTransportation Board.
(2001, c. 611; 2003, c. 940.)