§ 33.1-449. Commission to exercise powers of the district.
The powers of the district created pursuant to this chapter shall beexercised by a commission. The commission shall consist of two members of thegoverning body of both localities in which the district is located, appointedby their respective local governing bodies. In addition to the foregoing, theChairman of the Commonwealth Transportation Board or his designee shall be amember of the commission of the district created pursuant to this chapter.
The members of the commission shall elect one of their number chairman of thecommission. The chairman may be the chairman or presiding officer of a localgoverning body. In addition, the members of the commission, with the adviceof the district advisory board, shall elect a secretary and a treasurer, whomay be members or employees of any local governing body or other governmentalbody. The offices of secretary and treasurer may be combined. A majority ofthe commission members shall constitute a quorum, and a majority vote shallbe necessary for any action taken by the commission. No vacancy in themembership of the commission shall impair the right of a majority of themembers to form a quorum or to exercise all of its rights, powers, and duties.
(2004, c. 966.)