§ 33.1-456. Allocation of funds to districts.
The local governing body of either locality in which a district has beencreated pursuant to this chapter may advance funds or provide matching fundsfrom money not otherwise specifically allocated or obligated. Such funds maybe received or generated from whatever source, including, without limitation,general revenues, special fees and assessments, state allocations, andcontributions from private sources to a local district to assist the localdistrict to undertake the transportation improvements for which it wascreated. To assist the district with an approved transportation improvement,the Commonwealth Transportation Board may allocate to a district createdpursuant to this chapter only funds allocated, pursuant to Article 1.1 (§33.1-23.01 et seq.) of Chapter 1 of this title, and subsection A of §58.1-638 to the construction districts and localities in which suchtransportation district is located.
(2004, c. 966.)