§ 33.1-242. Pay to viewers, commissioners and engineers.
A statement in writing showing the number of days each viewer or commissionerand engineer, appointed or employed under the provisions of this article, wasemployed shall be sworn to and presented to the governing body, and thegoverning body may allow a reasonable compensation not exceeding $50 per dayto each viewer or commissioner and not exceeding $7.50 per day and necessarytraveling expenses for the engineer; provided that in any county adjoining acounty having a population in excess of 1,000 per square mile and the Countyof Henrico the governing body may pay the viewers, commissioners andengineers in addition to expenses not exceeding $25 a day for each day theywere respectively employed hereunder.
(Code 1950, § 33-155; 1950, p. 157; 1966, c. 438; 1970, c. 322; 1975, c. 445;1978, c. 305.)