§ 33.1-251. Unlawful for Department of Transportation to permit free passageover certain bridges and ferries; exceptions.
Except for those persons exempted from tolls under § 33.1-252, it shall beunlawful for the Department of Transportation or any employee thereof to giveor permit free passage over any bridge, tunnel or ferry which has beensecured through the issuance of revenue bonds and which bonds are payablefrom the revenues of such project. Every vehicle shall pay the same toll asothers similarly situated. Except as provided in § 33.1-252, the provisionshereof shall apply with full force and effect to vehicles and employees ofthe state government, governments of counties, cities and towns or otherpolitical subdivisions, and to vehicles and persons of all other categoriesand descriptions, public, private, eleemosynary, or otherwise.
(Code 1950, § 33-173.1; 1950, p. 458; 1954, c. 576; 1968, c. 170; 1970, c.322; 1973, c. 215; 1981, c. 417; 1983, c. 617.)