§ 33.1-257. How right to demand tolls ascertained and rates fixed or changed.
No tolls shall be received for passing any such bridge until it shall appearto the circuit court of the county wherein the same is that it is completedaccording to the act authorizing it. The court shall ascertain whether it isor is not so completed by appointing three disinterested freeholders to viewit. If they report in writing that it is so completed and their report beconfirmed by the court, the person authorized to erect it, his heirs orassigns, may thenceforth demand and receive, on persons and things passingthe same, tolls at the rates fixed by such act or, if none be so fixed, thenat such rates as may, from time to time, be fixed by law. Though rates oftoll be specified in such act, they may, from time to time, be changed bylaw, unless in such act otherwise expressly provided.
(Code 1950, § 33-217; 1970, c. 322; 1995, c. 647.)