§ 33.1-322. Resolution for election; notice thereof.
The governing body of the county may, by a resolution entered of record
in its minute book, require the judges of election to open a poll at the next
regular election and take the sense of the qualified voters of the county
upon the question whether or not the county shall assume the road indebtedness
of ................ district, or .................... districts. The
governing body shall cause notice of such election to be given by the
posting of written notice thereof at the front door of the county
courthouse at least thirty days prior to the date the same is to be
held and by publication thereof once a week for two successive weeks
in some newspaper published in the county, and if none such, then in
some newspaper having general circulation therein, which notice shall
set forth the date of such election and the question to be voted on.
(Code 1950, § 33-257; 1970, c. 322.)