§ 33.1-360. Permits required.
Except as in this article otherwise provided, no person, whether engaged inthe business of outdoor advertising or not, shall erect, use, maintain, postor display any advertisement or advertising structure in this Commonwealth,outside of municipalities, without first obtaining a permit therefor from theCommonwealth Transportation Commissioner and paying the annual fee therefor,as provided in this article. A permit shall be required for an off-premisessign, advertisement, or advertising structure authorized by § 33.1-370 if itis located within a municipality and is visible from the main traveled way ofany interstate, federal-aid primary, or national highway system highwayunless the owner of such sign, advertisement, or advertising structure hasentered in a Certification Acceptance Program as described in § 33.1-351.Owners of signs, advertisements, or advertising structures withinmunicipalities shall have until December 1, 1993, to obtain a permit from theCommissioner or to remove the sign, advertisement, or advertising structure.The Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner shall notify the owners of knownsigns, advertisements, or advertising structures within municipalities byAugust 1, 1993.
No bond or permit shall be required for the posting or display of anyadvertisement posted or displayed on any advertising structure or space forwhich a permit has been issued or renewed for the then current calendar yearunder the provisions of this article unless such permit has been revoked.
(Code 1950, § 33-307; 1970, c. 322; 1993, c. 538.)