§ 33.1-361. Applications for permits; fees.
A separate application for a permit shall be made for each separateadvertisement or advertising structure, on a form furnished by theCommonwealth Transportation Commissioner, which application shall be signedby the applicant or his representative duly authorized in writing to act forhim and shall describe and set forth the size, shape and the nature of theadvertisement or advertising structure it is proposed to post, display, erector maintain and its actual or proposed location with sufficient accuracy toenable the Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner to identify suchadvertisement or advertising structure and to find its actual or proposedlocation.
Each application shall be accompanied by an application fee in an amountdetermined as follows on the basis of the area of the advertisement oradvertising structure for which the permit is sought, according to thefollowing schedule:
1. Three dollars if such area does not exceed thirty-two square feet;
2. Five dollars and fifty cents if such area exceeds thirty-two square feetbut does not exceed seventy-four square feet;
3. Twenty dollars if such area exceeds seventy-four square feet but does notexceed 424 square feet;
4. Twenty-five dollars if such area exceeds 424 square feet but does notexceed 624 square feet; and
5. An additional fifteen dollars for each 200 square feet of such area inexcess of 624 square feet except, within municipalities, the fifteen-dollarfee for each additional 200 square feet of such area in excess of 624 squarefeet shall not apply.
In the computation of fees under this section, each side of advertisement oradvertising structure used or constructed to be used shall be separatelyconsidered.
The fee shall be retained by the Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner ifthe permit is issued. If the permit is refused, the CommonwealthTransportation Commissioner shall refund one-half the application fee to theapplicant.
In addition to the above, on any original application for an advertisement oradvertising structure there shall be imposed an inspection charge of fiftydollars for any advertisement or advertising structure to be located on aninterstate, federal-aid primary, or national highway system highway andtwenty-five dollars on any other highway. Inspection fees shall not becharged within municipalities for any such sign, advertisement, oradvertising structure in existence on July 1, 1993.
Each application shall be accompanied by the written consent, or in lieuthereof a copy certified by an officer authorized to take acknowledgments todeeds in this Commonwealth, of the owner of the real property upon which suchadvertisement or advertising structure is to be erected, used, maintained,posted or displayed, or of such other person having the legal right to grantsuch consent, or of the duly authorized agent of such owner, or other person;provided, that in the marsh or meadowland owned by the Commonwealth alongeither side of the causeway leading from the mainland to the town ofChincoteague, the legal right to grant such consent shall be vested in thegoverning body of such town.
Application shall be made in like manner for a permit to use, maintain ordisplay an existing advertisement or advertising structure.
(Code 1950, § 33-308; 1954, c. 588; 1959, Ex. Sess., c. 20; 1964, c. 619;1968, c. 519; 1970, c. 322; 1979, c. 216; 1993, c. 538.)