§ 33.1-365. Temporary permit.
In any case if an applicant for a permit shall certify in his applicationthat he is unable to state the actual or proposed location of theadvertisement or advertising structure or to file the written consent of thelandowner or other person having the legal right to the real estate uponwhich the advertisement or advertising structure is to be erected, used,maintained, posted or displayed, the Commissioner shall issue to suchapplicant a temporary permit, together with the proper identification numberto be attached to such advertisement or advertising structure, whichtemporary permit shall expire sixty days from the date of its issue.Applications for temporary permits must indicate the county and route onwhich the advertisement or advertising structure is to be located and must beaccompanied by a fee of two dollars to cover the cost of issuance of thetemporary permit. If within such sixty days, the applicant shall file withthe Commissioner an application setting forth all of the information requiredin § 33.1-361, together with the required fees, the Commissioner shall issueto such applicant a permit. In the event that the permit is not issued, thefees submitted shall be returned, except the two dollars for the temporarypermit.
(Code 1950, § 33-312; 1954, c. 588; 1970, c. 322; 1979, c. 216.)