§ 33.1-370.1. Removal of billboard signs under this chapter prohibitedwithout just compensation.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no billboard sign subject to thischapter may be removed by action of a county, city, or town under Chapter 22(§ 15.2-2200 et seq.) of Title 15.2 without the payment of just compensationby the county, city, or town unless the billboard sign cannot remain on theproperty due to the site constraints of the property and removal of thebillboard sign is therefore necessary for development on the property. Theproperty owner may terminate the leasehold or other right of the billboardsign to remain on the property in accordance with the terms and conditions ofthe contract between the property owner and the billboard sign owner, but maynot be required to do so by the county, city, or town as a condition ofobtaining development approval for the property, unless removal of thebillboard sign is necessary for development of the property or the billboardsign is nonconforming and is the principal use on the property and the zoningordinance permits only one principal use on the property.
(2003, c. 569.)