§ 35.1-9. Local ordinance superseded; exceptions.
This title and the regulations of the Board shall supersede all localordinances regulating hotels, restaurants, summer camps, and campgroundsother than those adopted pursuant to the provisions of § 35.1-26, except thatany locality may adopt ordinances regarding (i) the sale, preparation, andhandling of food; (ii) swimming pools, saunas and other similar facilities;(iii) the keeping of guest registers by hotels; and (iv) the display of signsalongside or in plain view of any public roadway to preclude false ormisleading advertising thereon to the extent prohibited by § 18.2-217,provided such ordinances are equivalent to or more stringent than theprovisions of this title or Title 18.2 in the case of the display of signsalongside or in plain view of any public roadway to preclude false ormisleading advertising thereon to the extent prohibited by § 18.2-217, andthe regulations of the Board. Nothing in this section shall be construed tolimit or affect in any way the powers given to localities under Title 15.2,or under any city charter, or under any other general or special act.
(1981, c. 468; 1983, c. 242.)