§ 35.1-18. License required; name in which issued; not assignable ortransferable.
No person shall own, establish, conduct, maintain, manage, or operate anyhotel, restaurant, summer camp, or campground in this Commonwealth unless thehotel, restaurant, summer camp, or campground is licensed as provided in thischapter. The license shall be in the name of the owner or lessee. No licenseissued hereunder shall be assignable or transferable. The Board shall notissue a license to the owner or lessee of any hotel, summer camp orcampground in this Commonwealth that maintains, or conducts as any part ofits activities, a nudist camp for juveniles. A "nudist camp for juveniles"is defined to be a hotel, summer camp or campground that is attended byopenly nude juveniles whose parent, grandparent, or legal guardian is notalso registered for and present with the juvenile at the same camp.
(Code 1950, §§ 35-22, 35-26, 35-44; 1981, c. 468; 2004, c. 987.)