§ 35.1-22. Periodic inspections.
The Commissioner shall cause each restaurant, summer camp, and campground inthe Commonwealth to be inspected periodically, but not less often thanannually, in accordance with applicable provisions of this title and theregulations of the Board. The Commissioner, as he deems appropriate, shallcause each hotel in the Commonwealth to be inspected in accordance withapplicable provisions of this title and the regulations of the Board. If atany time the Commissioner finds that a hotel, restaurant, summer camp, orcampground is not in compliance with applicable provisions of this title orregulations of the Board, he may revoke or suspend the license of that hotel,restaurant, summer camp, or campground.
(Code 1950, §§ 35-4, 35-6, 35-7, 35-15, 35-23, 35-46, 35-47, 35-51, 35-56;1981, c. 468; 1996, cc. 200, 834.)