§ 35.1-26. Cities, counties, and towns may by ordinance exemptcertain fairs and youth athletic activities.
The governing body of any county, city, or town may provide byordinance that this title shall not apply to:
1. Food booths at fairs, if such booths are promoted orsponsored by any political subdivision of the Commonwealth or by any charitablenonprofit organization or group thereof.
2. Concession stands at youth athletic activities, if suchstands are promoted or sponsored by either a youth athletic association or byany charitable nonprofit organization or group thereof which has beenrecognized as being a part of the recreational program of the politicalsubdivision where the association or organization is located by an ordinance orresolution of such political subdivision.
The ordinance shall provide that the health officer of thecounty, city, or town in which the fair or activity is held, or a qualifiedperson designated by him, shall exercise such supervision of the sale of foodas the ordinance may prescribe.
(Code 1950, § 35-38.1; 1964, c. 462; 1981, c. 468; 1983, c.251.)