§ 36-55.31:1. Loans for installation of certain energy-saving devices.
The Virginia Housing Development Authority shall establish a program of loansfor financing the purchase and installation of insulation, storm windows anddoors and solar or other alternative energy sources which will reduce thereliance on present sources of energy for use in the dwellings of residentsof the Commonwealth or public or nonprofit buildings or facilities. Any andall funds available through specific state appropriations or federal grantsor other state or federal assistance for such purposes may be utilized by theVirginia Housing Development Authority. Any loan made pursuant to thissection may be secured by a mortgage or otherwise or may be unsecured, shallbe repaid, shall bear interest and shall be upon such terms and conditions asmay be determined by HDA in its rules and regulations or in the HDAresolution, or commitment for, such loan. Any such loans made with respect todwellings of residents of the Commonwealth shall be limited to dwellingsoccupied by persons or families of low and moderate income. The Commissionersof the Virginia Housing Development Authority shall promulgate rules andregulations for the orderly administration of this section.
(1977, c. 431; 1978, c. 631.)