§ 36-55.38. Admission and income limitations relative to housing developments.
(1) Admission to housing developments financed pursuant to the provisions ofthis chapter shall be limited to persons or families of low or moderateincome and, in the case of economically mixed projects, such other personsand families as the HDA shall determine, subject to the limitation insubsection C of § 36-55.30:2.
(2) HDA shall make and publish rules and regulations from time to timegoverning the terms of tenant selection plans and income limits for tenantseligible to occupy housing developments assisted by HDA in conformance withthe provisions of this chapter and such income limits may vary with the sizeand circumstances of the person or family.
(3) HDA shall by rules and regulations provide income standards for continuedresidence in housing developments assisted by HDA, and either HDA, or withits approval the housing sponsor of any such housing development mayterminate the tenancy or interest of any person or family residing in anysuch housing development whose gross aggregate income exceeds prescribedincome standards for a period of six months or more; provided, that notenancy or interest of any such person or family in any such housingdevelopment shall be terminated except upon reasonable notice and opportunityto obtain suitable alternate housing, in accordance with rules andregulations of HDA; provided further, that any such person or family, withthe approval of HDA, shall be permitted to continue to occupy the unit,subject to payment of a rent or carrying charges or surcharge to the housingsponsor in accordance with a schedule of surcharges fixed by HDA.
(4) Any person or family residing in a housing development which shall be acooperative and is required to be removed from the housing developmentbecause of excessive income as herein provided shall be discharged fromliability on any note, bond or other evidence of indebtedness relatingthereto and shall be reimbursed, in accordance with the rules of HDA, for allsums paid by such person or family to the housing sponsor on account of thepurchase of stock or debentures as a condition of occupancy or on account ofthe acquisition of title for such purpose.
(1972, c. 830; 1975, c. 536; 1996, c. 498; 2004, c. 187.)