§ 36-55.63. Low-income housing credit.
The Board of Housing and Community Development shall, consistent with theprovisions, terms, and conditions set forth under § 58.1-435, issueregulations establishing the amount of the credit allowable for thelow-income housing credit provided under such section, the taxable year oryears in which such credit may be taken by the taxpayer, and the terms andconditions for qualifying for such credit. However, the Board shall notapprove any low-income housing credits after June 30, 2010.
The Department of Housing and Community Development shall administer theapproval of low-income housing credits.
(1989, c. 280; 1990, c. 830; 1992, cc. 325, 347, 754; 1994, c. 611; 1996, cc.580, 826; 2001, cc. 293, 299; 2007, c. 778; 2010, cc. 520, 608.)