§ 36-10. Validation of establishment and organization of housing authoritiesand their contracts, undertakings, etc.
(1) Organization and establishment. - The establishment and organization ofhousing authorities in the Commonwealth of Virginia under the provisions ofthe housing authorities law together with all proceedings, acts and thingsheretofore undertaken, performed or done with reference thereto prior to June27, 1942, are hereby validated, ratified, confirmed, approved and declaredlegal in all respects, notwithstanding any defect or irregularity therein orany want of statutory authority.
(2) Contracts and undertakings. - All contracts, agreements, obligations, andundertakings of such housing authorities entered into before such daterelating to financing or aiding in the development, construction, maintenanceor operation of any housing project or projects or to obtaining aid thereforfrom the United States Housing Authority, including (without limiting thegenerality of the foregoing) loan and annual contributions contract andleases with the United States Housing Authority, agreements withmunicipalities or other public bodies (including those which are pledged orauthorized to be pledged for the protection of the holders of any notes orbonds issued by such housing authorities or which are otherwise made a partof the contract with such holders of notes or bonds) relating to cooperationand contributions in aid of housing projects, payments (if any) in lieu oftaxes, furnishing of municipal services and facilities, and the eliminationof unsafe and insanitary dwellings, and contracts for the construction ofhousing projects, together with all proceedings, acts and things undertaken,performed or done with reference thereto before such date, are herebyvalidated, ratified, confirmed, approved and declared legal in all respects,notwithstanding any defect or irregularity therein or any want of statutoryauthority.
(3) Notes and bonds. - All proceedings, acts and things before such dateundertaken, performed or done in or for the authorization, issuance,execution and delivery of notes and bonds by housing authorities for thepurpose of financing or aiding in the development or construction of ahousing project or projects, and all notes and bonds issued by housingauthorities before such date, are hereby validated, ratified, confirmed,approved and declared legal in all respects, notwithstanding any defect orirregularity therein or any want of statutory authority.
(1942, p. 381; Michie Code 1942, § 3145(26).)