§ 36-19.5. Additional powers.
A. In addition to the powers otherwise granted, an authority may acquire,subject to prior approval, after public hearing, of each such acquisition bythe governing body of the county, city or town wherein the property to beacquired is located, any single-family or multi-family dwelling unit withinthe authority's area of operation by purchase, lease, or gift or through theexercise of the power of eminent domain as provided in subsection B of thissection, for development and redevelopment including, but not limited to, therenovation, rehabilitation and disposition thereof, when such authority hasdetermined: (i) that such dwelling unit or other structure has deterioratedto such extent as to constitute a serious and growing menace to the publichealth, safety and welfare; (ii) that such dwelling unit or other structureis likely to continue to deteriorate unless corrected; (iii) that thecontinued deterioration of such dwelling unit or other structure maycontribute to the blighting or deterioration of the area immediatelysurrounding the said dwelling unit or other structure; and (iv) that theowner of such dwelling unit or other structure, after sixty days' notice tothe landowner by certified mail, citing § 36-19.5, has failed to correct thedeterioration thereof.
B. A local governing body may, on behalf of an authority, acquire through theexercise of the power of eminent domain any single-family or multi-familydwelling unit within the authority's area of operation, but only for thosepurposes set forth in subsection A of this section.
(1979, c. 424.)