§ 36-27.2. Limitations on certain housing authorities; exception.
A. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 36-27 and except as provided insubsection B, no housing authority transacting business and exercising powersas provided in § 36-4 in the City of Norfolk shall be authorized after July1, 2007, to acquire by the exercise of the power of eminent domain, any realproperty located within the boundaries set forth in the Conservation andRedevelopment Plan (the Plan) for the East Ocean View Conservation andRedevelopment Project adopted July 1989, as amended by Amendment No. 1 tosuch plan adopted September 1992.
The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any such real propertyfor which an offer has been made by such housing authority or for which suchauthority has initiated condemnation proceedings prior to July 1, 2007.
B. The City of Norfolk and the housing authority shall not be precluded fromadopting (i) a new redevelopment plan, in accordance with the provisions of§§ 36-27, 36-49, and 36-51, which designates a redevelopment area thatincludes real property for acquisition that was previously included withinthe Plan, or (ii) a new conservation plan, in accordance with the provisionsof §§ 36-27, 36-50.1, and 36-51.1, which designates a conservation area thatincludes real property for acquisition that was previously included withinthe Plan.
(2002, c. 540; 2007, c. 786.)