§ 36-4.1. Holding of referendum; effect.
A. If a referendum is called for under § 36-4, either by resolution of thegoverning body or upon the petition of at least two percent of the qualifiedvoters as therein provided, the referendum shall be held at the nextregularly scheduled election in the locality. The question on the ballot insuch referendum shall be:
Is there a need for the redevelopment and housing authority to be activatedin the county (or city or town) of . . . . . . . . . . . ?
The ballots shall be printed, the returns canvassed, and the resultscertified as provided in § 24.2-684.
B. If a majority of the qualified voters in such referendum shall indicatethat there is a need for such authority, then the same shall be empowered totransact business and exercise the powers conferred by this chapter.
C. Once a referendum has been held, no other referendum on the same questionshall be held in the county, city, or town within five years of the date ofthe prior referendum.
(1952, c. 427; 1958, c. 171; 1982, c. 395; 2006, c. 784; 2009, c. 78.)