§ 36-43. Housing authority for county excluded from regional authority.
At any time after a county or counties is excluded from the area of operationof a regional housing authority as provided above, the board of supervisorsof any such county may adopt a resolution declaring that there is a need fora housing authority in the county, if the board shall find such needaccording to the provisions of § 36-4. Thereupon a political subdivision ofthe Commonwealth to be known as the housing authority of the county shallexist for such county and may transact business and exercise its powers inthe same manner as though created by § 36-4. Nothing contained herein shallbe construed as preventing such county from thereafter being included withinthe area of operation of a regional housing authority as provided in § 36-40or 36-41.
(1942, p. 320; Michie Code 1942, § 3145(4d).)