§ 36-48. Creation of Redevelopment Areas.
A redevelopment area as defined in § 36-3 may be created by an authority asprovided in this chapter and a redevelopment plan may be adopted to addressconditions in such redevelopment area. The redevelopment plan shall (i)outline specific boundaries for the redevelopment area and designate foracquisition such properties as are necessary or appropriate for theclearance, replanning, rehabilitation, and reconstruction of theredevelopment area, (ii) be adopted in accordance with § 36-49, and (iii)satisfy the requirements as set forth in § 36-51.
(1946, p. 278; Michie Suppl. 1946, § 3145(8a); 1975, c. 455; 1988, cc. 572,591; 2006, c. 784.)