§ 36-50.1. Extension of general powers for actions taken pursuant to aconservation plan.
In implementing a conservation plan, an authority shall have all the rights,powers, privileges, and immunities provided in this chapter. However, thepower of eminent domain shall not be exercised in connection with aconservation project except to acquire (i) properties designated for use bythe public or a public agency in the conservation plan, (ii) properties whichare determined by the authority to be in violation of the standards fordesign, construction, maintenance and use of property set out in theconservation plan for the project in which such property is situate, andwhich have not been made to comply with such standards within one year aftera written request to rehabilitate to project standards is given to the ownerby the authority, (iii) properties as to which voluntary conveyance cannot beeffected in the course of the execution of the conservation plan because ofthe inability of the owners to convey marketable title, or (iv) propertieswhich are infeasible of rehabilitation, blighted properties or propertieswhich inhibit or prevent accomplishment of the purposes of the conservationplan.
(1964, c. 378; 1972, c. 733; 2006, c. 784.)