§ 36-52.3. Adoption and designation of "rehabilitation area.".
A. Whenever it appears to the governing body of any locality that a portionof such locality adjacent to an area embraced in a "conservation plan,"approved by such body pursuant to § 36-49.1, is in the early stages ofdeterioration and determines that if not rehabilitated such area is likely tocontinue to deteriorate and become eligible for designation as a conservationarea, such governing body may create a rehabilitation area.
B. No rehabilitation area shall be effective until notice has been sent tothe property owner or owners of record in such area in accordance withsubsection B of § 36-27 and an ordinance approving such rehabilitation areahas been adopted by the local governing body. The ordinance shall outlinespecific boundaries for the rehabilitation area, establish that therehabilitation area is adjacent to a conservation area and include suchproperties as are in need of rehabilitation in such area.
C. An authority is specifically empowered to encourage and assist propertyowners or occupants within the rehabilitation area so designated to improvetheir respective holdings, by suggesting improved standards for design,construction, maintenance, renovation and use of such properties and offeringencouragement or assistance in other ways including the power to lend moneyand make grants to said owners or occupants, directed toward prevention andelimination of deteriorating conditions within such area.
D. In executing the powers provided in subsection C, an authority shall haveall of the rights, powers and immunities granted in connection withconservation or redevelopment plans pursuant to this chapter except the powerto acquire property through the exercise of the power of eminent domain.
(1978, c. 360; 2006, c. 784.)