§ 36-60. Cooperation by public bodies on defense housing.
Any public body of the Commonwealth, defined herein as any city, town,county, municipal corporation, commission, district, authority, othersubdivision or public body of the Commonwealth, shall have the same rightsand powers to cooperate with housing authorities, or with the federalgovernment, with respect to the development or administration of projects toassure the availability of safe and sanitary dwellings for persons engaged innational-defense activities that such public body has pursuant to such lawfor the purpose of assisting the development or administration of slumclearance or housing projects for persons of low income; provided that anysuch public body may furnish the aforesaid cooperation to such projectslocated within the territorial boundaries of such public body.
(1942, p. 572; Michie Code 1942, § 3145(30); 2006, c. 784.)