§ 36-81. Application of local ordinances; enforcement of chapter by localauthorities.
Registered industrialized buildings shall be acceptable in all localities asmeeting the requirements of this law, which shall supersede the buildingcodes and regulations of the counties, municipalities and state agencies. Thelocal building official is authorized to and shall determine that anyunregistered industrialized building shall comply with the provisions of thislaw. Local requirements affecting industrialized buildings, including zoning,utility connections, preparation of the site, and maintenance of the unit,shall remain in full force and effect. All local building officials areauthorized to and shall enforce the provisions of this law, and the rules andregulations made in pursuance thereof.
(Code 1950, § 12-79; 1970, c. 305; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 103; 1977, c. 613;1986, c. 37.)