§ 36-96.14. Issuance of a charge.
Upon failure to resolve a complaint by conciliation and after consultationwith the Office of the Attorney General, the Board shall issue a charge onbehalf of the aggrieved person or persons and shall immediately refer thecharge to the Attorney General, who shall proceed with the charge as directedby § 36-96.16. The Board may not issue a charge under this section regardingan alleged discriminatory housing practice after the beginning of a trial ofa civil action commenced by the aggrieved party under an Act of Congress or astate law seeking relief with respect to that discriminatory housing practice.
1. Such charge:
a. Shall consist of a short and plain statement of the facts upon which theBoard has found reasonable cause to believe that a discriminatory housingpractice has occurred or is about to occur;
b. Shall be based on the final investigative report; and
c. Need not be limited to the acts or grounds alleged in the complaint filedunder § 36-96.9.
2. After the Board issues a charge under this section, the Board shall causea copy thereof to be served on each respondent named in such charge and oneach aggrieved person on whose behalf the complaint was filed.
(1991, c. 557.)