§ 36-96.21. Powers of counties, cities and towns.
A. Any county, city or town which has any ordinance in effect on January 1,1991, enacted under the Virginia Fair Housing Law (§ 36-86 et seq.), theVirginia Human Rights Act (§ 2.2-3900 et seq.), or any other applicable statelaw may continue to enforce such ordinance and may amend the ordinance,provided the amendment is not inconsistent with this chapter. Nothing hereinshall be construed to prohibit any county, city or town under this subsectionfrom submitting amended ordinances to the U.S. Department of Housing andUrban Development for substantial equivalency pursuant to Title VIII, CivilRights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. §§ 3604-3606), as amended.
B. The governing body of any county, city or town may enact ordinances inaccordance with the provisions of this chapter provided that (i) suchordinances conform to this chapter and are enacted prior to September 30,1992, and (ii) such amended ordinances are submitted to the U.S. Departmentof Housing and Urban Development for a determination of substantialequivalency pursuant to Title VIII, Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. §§3604-3606), as amended.
(1972, c. 591, § 36-96; 1975, c. 345; 1982, c. 113; 1991, c. 557; 1996, cc.173, 369.)