§ 36-103. Buildings, etc., existing or projected before effective date ofCode.
Any building or structure, for which a building permit has been issued or onwhich construction has commenced, or for which working drawings have beenprepared in the year prior to the effective date of the Building Code, shallremain subject to the building regulations in effect at the time of suchissuance or commencement of construction. However, the Board may adopt andpromulgate as part of the Building Code, building regulations that facilitatethe maintenance, rehabilitation, development and reuse of existing buildingsat the least possible cost to ensure the protection of the public health,safety and welfare. Subsequent reconstruction, renovation, repair ordemolition of such buildings or structures shall be subject to the pertinentconstruction and rehabilitation provisions of the Building Code. Theprovisions of this section shall be applicable to equipment. However,building owners may elect to install partial or full fire alarms or othersafety equipment that was not required by the Building Code in effect at thetime a building was constructed without meeting current Building Coderequirements, provided the installation does not create a hazardouscondition. Permits for installation shall be obtained in accordance with theUniform Statewide Building Code.
(1972, c. 829; 1976, c. 638; 1982, c. 267; 1986, c. 32; 2002, c. 555; 2003,c. 650.)